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Carrier® Gemini® Commercial Condensing Unit - Cooling Only

The Gemini 38AU series outdoor air-cooled condensing units matched with Carrier’s 40RU series indoor air handlers offer a wide variety of options for your HVAC application needs. Whether it is first cost with the 38AU single compressor models or superior part load performance from the two compressor models, this series is designed for long, dependable operation as a rooftop or on-the-ground installation. All Gemini 38AU and 40RU series units use Puron® R-410A refrigerant. Together, they create a reliable split system that provides easy solutions to a wide range of commercial HVAC needs. 



•    The 38AUZ single circuit and 38AUD dual circuit, air cooled condensing units are designed and built to last.
•    Certified and pre-engineered factory installed options (FIOPs) allow units to be installed in less time, thereby reducing installation cost.
•    These air-cooled condensing units will provide EERs up to 12.0 (tested in accordance with AHRI standard 340/360). This high efficiency operation will help reduce overall operating costs and energy consumption.
•    The 38AU condensing units offer operating controls and components designed for performance dependability. The high efficiency hermetic scroll compressor is engineered for long life and durability.
•    The unique combination of IAQ features in the 40RUA Series air handlers help to ensure that only clean, fresh, conditioned air is delivered to the occupied space.
•    The 40RUA Series packaged air handlers provide reduced installation expense and energy-efficient performance.
•    The 40RUA series units are made to last. The die-formed galvanized steel panels ensure structural integrity under all operating conditions.
•    Model 40RUA direct-expansion coils have galvanized steel casings; inlet and outlet connections are on the same end. The coils are designed for use with Puron (R-410A) refrigerant.
•    The multi-poise design and component layout ensures quick unit installation and operation. Units can be converted from horizontal to vertical operation by simply repositioning the unit.

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