Carrier® Aqua Snap® Air-Cooled Scroll Chiller & Heat Pumps with Green Speed Int
Aqua snap® heat pumps are the best solution for commercial and industrial applications where installers, engineering and design departments and building owners require reduced installation costs, optimal performance, and maximum quality.
The latest generation Aqua Snap® is available in two versions:
- The Aqua Snap® (30RB-30RQ) version is a compact all-in-one package optimized for full-load applications where reduced investment cost (low CapEx) is required.
- The premium Aqua Snap® version with Green speed® intelligence (30RBP-30RQP) is optimized for part load applications where a high SEER, SEPR, SCOP or IPLV value is required. This version is equipped with a variable speed pump and fans, providing premium part load efficiency to reduce maintenance costs over the lifespan of the chiller. In addition, the sound levels achieved under the part load conditions are particularly low. Besides operating efficiently and quietly, the Aqua Snap® range with Greenspeed® intelligence operates from -20 °C up to +48 °C as standard.
• Outstanding performance- Equipped with variable-speed fans (VSD as standard and EC optional) and optional variable-speed pumps, Carrier's AquaSnap® 30RBP/RQP range with Greenspeed® intelligence automatically adjusts the cooling capacity and water flow to perfectly adapt to the building's requirements or load variations.
• Intelligence and connectivity -The advanced SmartViewTM control system displays operating parameters in real time, making it intuitive and particularly user-friendly.
• Extensive scope - The AquaSnap® range is suitable for a very wide range of applications from tertiary to industrial processes. The range can operate at outdoor temperatures from -20 °C to +48 °C and with negative water temperatures (-8 °C).
• Easy installation & maintenance -Thanks to the variable-speed pumps up to 950 kW, automatic adjustment of the nominal water flow rate via electronic control and automatic measurement of the unit's energy performance under real conditions, the pumping energy consumption is reduced by almost two thirds: these new features guarantee peace of mind for installers and maintenance companies and lower energy bills for users.