The InFlow accessory allows IQAir air purifiers to draw outdoor air through a wall or window into a room, making it ideal for situations where the main pollution source is in adjacent indoor or outdoor environments.
Creating Clean, Fresh Air Indoors:
When used with an IQAir air purifier, the InFlow enables outdoor air to be filtered, removing pollutants such as pollen, mold spores, dust, exhaust fumes, and soot, resulting in fresh, purified indoor air.
Establish Positive Pressure for Clean Air:
Using the InFlow accessory with an air purifier helps create positive pressure in a room, reducing the inflow of pollutants.
- Allergy protection (e.g., pollen) in homes
- Infection control (e.g., Aspergillus, MRSA) in hospitals
- Clean environments in research and manufacturing
- Dust and corrosive contaminant protection in server rooms
- Protection from outdoor pollution (e.g., fires, traffic, agriculture) in homes or offices
- Dilutes polluted air with clean outdoor air
- Filters out pollutants
- Reduces external contaminants with positive pressure
- Increases oxygen content by bringing in outdoor air
The InFlow is easy to connect to all IQAir air purifiers. It requires a 125 mm hole in a wall, window, or door, and the supplied hose can be bent and adjusted from 250 mm to 1000 mm in length.
Compatible with all IQAir air purifiers, except for the FlexVac, VM FlexVac, Mobility 56, InFlow W125, and OutFlow W125 accessories.